2 min read

Post 2: 2020

When things get hard, we can double down and pushed through the pain. When a normal human being is willing to give up, how much are you willing to pushed it, no matter how painful it will be.
Post 2: 2020

What a hard year to be optimistic, but such important lessons this 2020 left us.

Time will pass anyway

I like to think of the analogy that this year the world was on "hold", because we had a lock down and we could not leave our houses. Despite the fact that this year I decided to start learning how to code, I think I should have learned more things this year when the world "Stoped." This conclusion makes me realize that time is going to pass and no matter how long it takes, it's best to start now. Because there is no doubt that no matter what happens, time will pass, and we don’t want to regret not taking actions that are important to us.

Lock down

Since we were faced with an invisible enemy of which we knew very little and without any solution to face it, the governments decided to shut down the economy and order their citizens to stay at home as a solution to reduce the speed of contagion. This was a very stressful moment because no one likes to impose it. However, in retrospect, I believe that each of us needs to lock down for a few days in a year to work in our internal state, think and have a calm mind. Because in the end, a busy mind may kill our ability to do great things in this world.


The Internet has helped us solve the isolation problem in many ways, from helping students continue to learn to enabling us to work from home on a global scale. This makes me think that the Internet has increased our opportunities. Another way to look at it is how a network that connects everyone with everyone is allowing the smallest of businesses to access markets and have a presence that allows them to compete against bigger competitors.

However, if we can get incredible opportunities through the Internet, then why do we have huge unequal results? The more I think about it the more I realize that the main reason is because we are fee, each of us has our own life decisions, we can learn or search for anything we want, and no one will question us. Today, we have a lot of freedom to make any decisions, and the quality of these decisions will affect our output.

Do hard things

This year was difficult, full of unexpected things and great challenges as a society to overcome. This makes me think about the importance of facing challenges and difficulties in life. I would like you to look back and ask yourself what are the interesting things that you have done in life, is all gonna be around the sacrifices you made, and the hard things that you have made. As a lesson you have to do hard things anyway to create your own meaning in life.

Pushed through the pain

As a way to end this article, I would like to share something that I learned during this unexpected 2020 and can be useful for each of you. When things get hard, we can double down and pushed through the pain. When a normal human being is willing to give up, how much are you willing to pushed it, no matter how painful it will be.

Wishing all of you a healthy and happy 2021.