2 min read

Post 13: Resourcefulness

“I don’t have the money...I don’t know the right people...I don’t have the right technology..." All of these are necessary resources that help you succeed but they are not the reason you fail to execute.
Post 13: Resourcefulness

“I don’t have the money...I don’t know the right people...I don’t have the right technology..." All of these are necessary resources that help you succeed but they are not the reason you fail to execute.

Before diving into today's topic I would love to differentiate between two concepts. The first one is resources, which are beneficial and useful items. The other one is resourcefulness, which is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome immediate hurdles.

Having clarified these two concepts, I encourage you to work on being more resourceful. Take it as a vital ingredient to achieving what you're after since you will never be able to rely on having access to unlimited resources. Maybe you're faced with a strict budget with a finite money supply.  Maybe you need to know the right people, but you do not have access to each and every person in the world. Or maybe you need access to natural resources, which we will never enjoy an unlimited supply of. However, when you learn to be resourceful you will know exactly how to manage the resources you do have in a way that will get you from point A to point B. No matter your circumstances, where you grew up, how much you earn, or even whom you're connected to.

And this is why I firmly believe, despite the complaints I often hear, that lack of resources is not the reason behind many failed projects. It is a lack of resourcefulness, including but not limited to Passion, Creativity, Determination, Honesty, Sincerity, and Consistency.

Once I realized this myself I stopped complaining about the lack of resources I had and started focusing on ways I could utilize what I did have to my benefit. I know that it's not an easy thing to become skilled at since it requires you to literally retrain your brain and the way you see the world. But you need to start thinking about ways you can use what you already have to take you to where you want to be.

When analyzing the history behind the largest companies in the world, you will find that a large percentage of their founders started their journey with very limited financial resources, which diminished their abilities to hire the talent they wanted and execute their ideas easily. But that never stopped them, because they were resourceful. They succeeded regardless of their external circumstances and environmental limitations.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this short article. I hope it proved to be valuable and it allowed you to change your perspective on the importance of resourcefulness, leading you to work with what you've got to make a positive impact in the world.